Hi, my name is Amasha Mahmod
I'm the Developer you need.

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About me

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Hard working person with high ambition and ability to work both solo and in a team.

I flourish under pressure and looking for the opportunity to apply my knowledge and abilities in a position that will allow me to learn, grow and make an impact.

I am passionate about learning new technologies and I am always looking for opportunities to improve my skills.

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Social Network

Project is a social network for developers. It is a social network app that includes authentication, profiles and form posts. users can create a profile, upload images to cloudinary, share posts, comment posts, like posts and get help from other developers.

Built with React, Redux, Node, Express & MongoDB.

See Live Source Code

Dating app

Project for a dating app, users can create an account, login, update profile and change profile image, upload images to cloudinary, view other users, send messages in real-time (websocket), and view other users profile.

Built with Angular, DotNet, SQL.

See Live Source Code

Places App

A web app that allows users to create an account, login, and share their favorite places with other users and show the place in google maps.

Built with React, Node, Express & MongoDB.

See Live Source Code



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